Mail Dealer 763


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02-13-2025 - Good Morning! I'm listening to local school buses on my scanner radio. School bus radio monitoring is cheap entertainment at its best! Does a business running on a schedule and making stops at specified locations run smoothly? Not always! I'll mail out a few more "site announcement" postcards today. Right now, my Folger's Black Silk Coffee is ready!

02-12-2025 - It has been years since I received an advertising card deck. A company in Houston was publishing one, but I don't know if it's still available or if they are still in business. Either way, someone should get another card deck going. Something else that has disappeared is the endless adsheets. Do you remember those? When you receive one, you could paste your ad in the designated place, make copies, and mail them.

02-12-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - Labor productivity in the nonfarm business sector increased 2.3 percent in 2024, following an increase of 1.6 percent in 2023 and a decrease of 1.5 percent in 2022. The rise in labor productivity in 2024 resulted from a 2.9-percent increase in output combined with a 0.6-percent increase in hours worked. Unit labor costs in the nonfarm business sector increased 2.6 percent in 2024, reflecting a 5.0-percent increase in hourly compensation and the 2.3-percent increase in productivity. The 2.6-percent increase in unit labor costs came after costs rose 2.2 percent in 2023 and 5.1 percent in 2022. Real hourly compensation, which takes into account changes in consumer prices, increased 2.0 percent in 2024.

02-12-2025 - This morning, I mailed a small batch of postcards announcing the new advertising offer for this site. I selected Mail Order dealers known to offer actual products and services. Let's see what happens! I ran out of postcard stamps, but more are on the way.

02-12-2025 -  Good Morning! I have a fireplace video on the big screen TV as I enjoy my first cup of Folgers Black Silk Coffee. I have a real fireplace, but it's at the other end of the house. I posted an About Page for your edification and enjoyment. Let's see what the day brings.

----- Sign outside a business in Wichita Falls, Texas 1980: Our prices are lowest because we cheat every third customer. |||| Restaurant billboard ad seen in Wichita Falls, Texas 1968: T-Bone, 50¢. With meat, $5.95. -----

02-11-2025 - Do you remember the Computer Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) popular in the 1980s and 1990s? They were in wide use before the Internet took off. I had one dedicated to Extra Income Mail Order, which was "online" in 1996. It was like a website, but it used a phone line instead, and people could download files and post comments. I used the Wildcat BBS program and a U.S. Robotics dial-up modem. I started with a 2400 BPS modem, upgraded to 14,400, and then to the 28,000 model. I don't remember making the jump to 56K. I might have. Anyone calling in from out of town had to do so on their own "dime." I even got a few calls from Australia. It was a fun time.

02-10-2025 - Today, I received five money-making programs in the mail, all in one envelope. They are Money By The Minute, Great Cash U.S.A., My Daily Bread, My Free Cash Kit, and Money Basket. These circulars would make a lot of good reading if I did programs. I don't do programs.

02-10-2025 - The "popular website" strikes again. I get an offer now and then to advertise on a "popular website," but the website address is not provided. How did this website get so popular if it's not being promoted at every opportunity? One reason could be that, if I went to the website, I could order directly from the prime source, bypassing the sub-dealer. This is a lose-lose situation.

02-10-2025 - New postage stamps for 2025: Lunar New Year: Year of the Snake, 1794 Compass Rose, Love (2025), Black Heritage: Allen Toussaint, American Vistas, The Appalachian Trail, Vibrant Leaves, Dahlias, U.S. Flag, Luna Moth, Baby Wild Animals, Winter Landscapes, and last but not least, Betty White.

Join the Independent Direct Mail Association

02-10-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - The job openings rate was 4.5 percent in December 2024, decreasing 0.8 percentage point from 5.3 percent a year earlier, in December 2023. Among major industries, job openings rates in December 2024 were 2.5 percent in construction and wholesale trade and 6.4 percent in professional and business services. From December 2023 to December 2024, job openings rates decreased by 2.6 percentage points in construction and by 1.1 percentage points in wholesale trade. During 2024, the job openings rates in wholesale trade were among the lowest, while some of the highest rates were found in professional and business services and health care and social assistance. The number of job openings decreased to 7.6 million in December 2024, down 556,000 from the previous month, and down by 1.3 million over the year. The number of job openings decreased in professional and business services, health care and social assistance, and finance and insurance (within financial activities). Job openings increased in arts, entertainment, and recreation (within leisure and hospitality).

02-10-2025 - Good Morning! It's Monday! There was a Super Bowl yesterday. The Eagles won and the Chiefs lost. That's all I'm going to say about that. My Folgers Black Silk coffee is ready!

----- A good business hires optimists as salespeople and pessimists to run the credit department. -----

02-08-2025 - I sent four 1-inch display ads announcing this website to Small Potatoes Magazine. What did you do today to promote or improve your business?

02-07-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Employment Situation - Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 143,000 in January, and the unemployment rate edged down to 4.0 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in health care, retail trade, and social assistance. Employment declined in the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction industry. This news release presents statistics from two monthly surveys. The household survey measures labor force status, including unemployment, by demographic characteristics. The establishment survey measures nonfarm employment, hours, and earnings by industry. For more information about the concepts and statistical methodology used in these two surveys, see the Technical Note.

02-06-2025 - It's time to renew my membership to the Independent Direct Mail Association. Are you a member yet? The benefits are well worth the low $20 ($10 to renew) one-year membership fee, and it includes a 50% dealership!

02-05-2025 - From the U.S. Postal Inspection Service - A Columbus man was sentenced in U.S. District Court today to 204 months in prison for four armed robberies of Postal carriers. The man used firearms and robbed postal carriers of their U.S. Postal Service keys on four occasions between December 2022 and May 2023. He was arrested in August 2023

02-04-2025 - From the U.S. Postal Inspection Service - "The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is offering a reward of up to $150,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect(s) in the armed robbery of a United States Postal Service (USPS) letter carrier on January 27, 2025, at approximately 4:10 p.m. in the vicinity of the 1100 block of Herman Avenue, Akron, OH 44307. From MailDealer763: This might be worth a road trip to track this suspect down and claim that reward. Of course, you'd probably have just as much luck winning the Powerball.

02-04-2025 - I ordered postage stamps ($116.80 + $2.55 shipping = $119.35) a few days ago, and they arrived yesterday evening at about 4:45 PM. The problem was that the package was delivered after the regular mail, and I didn't find it until 6:00 AM today. I usually check my security camera activity before bedtime, but I didn't do it last night. The package was flat on the porch instead of leaning against the wall, so people passing by were less likely to see it. The package included Alex Trebek, Hank Aaron, Love, and Chinese New Year stamps.

02-03-2025 - Were you in the Mail Order selling business 30 years ago when disk-based publications were popular? Programs, like Computer Magic, Writer's Dream, Pop-A-Book, Simply Docs, and others, turned your text document into an executable (.exe) file that could be distributed on a floppy disk. Remember those? It was a fun time. But, those fun times also signaled trouble for the "reprint report" market. It wasn't long before dealers discovered you could buy and sell hundreds, and later thousands, of reports on floppy disk. Dealers selling a dozen or so reprint reports on paper quickly felt the pressure to join the ebook craze.