Mail Dealer 763


I • D • M • A

The Independent Direct Mail Association
Founded in 1982 by Bill Dortch

Independent Direct Mail Association

Whether you are new to mail order, a seasoned veteran, or somewhere in between, sometimes you need help. That's where IDMA comes in. We are an established organization dedicated to helping our members be successful and to making mailorder a "better place to be."

The Independent Direct Mail Association (IDMA) is comprised of a growing number of active mail order dealers who want to build a strong business while promoting honesty and integrity. Get the help and advice you need from those who have "been there, done that"; help others by sharing your experiences; save money; and have confidence that you are "getting what you paid for" when using other members' services.

The list can go on and on. . . So, if you are an honest hard-working mail order dealer who wants to grow your business and help others, IDMA wants you! Please join our team.

Member Benefits Include

Low price membership & renewal - $20 first year, $10 renewal. Outside USA $30 first year, $15 renewal.

FREE current membership listing.

1" and 2" camera ready ads along with 5x8 and 8x10 circulars for you to promote IDMA and make 50% commission.

Member to member discounts on products and services you actually use and need.

Quarterly IDMA Voice newsletter full of useful information.

$1 classified advertising in the IDMA newsletter.

$1 per inch advertising in the IDMA 1k+ Adsheet to 1,000+ circulation.

$5 per inch advertising in the IDMA 10k+ Adsheet to 10,000+ circulation.

50% commissions on all IDMA memberships and ads for the IDMA adsheets.

FREE advice from some of the best dealers in the business.

Having trouble putting the pieces together? Let us help.


Email Mail Dealer 763

TO JOIN, send an email with JOIN IDMA in the subject line to the address above. Include your name and postal mailing address where you wish to receive the IDMA packet. I'll respond with a PayPal invoice link, as well other payment options. Don't worry, your email address is not saved, sold, or traded, or added to any database. You will not be spammed. I have no use for email addresses.