Mail Dealer 763


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Email Mail Dealer 763

THIS JOURNAL covers my interest in the Extra Income Mail-Order industry. My interests include products and services used by Mail Order Dealers in the conduct of their daily business, and conventional commission dealerships for those products and services. MLM, gifting programs, and other plans or systems are not supported. All posts are by MailDealer763, and all questions are rhetorical.

I got hooked on Mail Order back in 1991 when I answered an ad in, of all places, Home Computing Magazine about making money. The information I received was so interesting that I had to have more! It was not unlike what you see today. I'll be adding content from past journals. Some domains I still have and some I don't.

Now, a little about me. I've had a handful of occupations and interests. I have a dusty Commercial Pilot certificate with instrument and multi-engine ratings. At one time, I held Flight Instructor and Instrument Instructor ratings. No, I was never an airline pilot. I did it primarily for fun. I spent a year skydiving. I've been a CB Radio Operator since 1964 and an Amateur (ham) Radio Operator since 1982. I'm also a scanner radio enthusiast.

I've had many jobs: Snack vending route sales, U.S. Army, law enforcement, corrections, private investigation, call center operator, medical transport driver, school bus driver, manufacturing supervisor, and substitute teacher. I get bored quickly. I retired from two of those occupations, the last being in 2012. I have a Bachelor's degree, major Political Science. I don't think my Mail Order interest will ever die. I'll write about my past interests from time to time.

May Saint Philatel - the patron saint of Mail Order Dealers - guide your Mail Order business. Not to be confused with Saint Gabriel the Archangel, who is the patron saint of postal workers, messengers, communication workers, clerics, diplomats, and stamp collectors. As for Saint Philatel, I made it up. It comes from the word philately - the collection and study of postage stamps.

Let's have fun!


skydiving - parachuting