Mail Dealer 763


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03-04-2025 - Today, I received an acknowledgment for an ad order I placed for Liberty Press magazine. Also in the mail were offers for the $500,000 Project program and Sweet Money, the Ultimate Flyer System.

03-04-2025 - I'm not a fan of gratuitous graphics in ads. I'm talking about the pots of gold, fists full of dollars, mansions, exotic cars, and the like. So it's rare that I see a graphic I like. Currently, there are two. One is a 2-inch display ad with two guys at the bottom with funny-looking haircuts. Those guys have been cracking me up for years. The other is a 2-inch ad with a guy who resembles the late actor Jon Polito. You've seen these ads if you've been in the Mail Order business for more than a few years.

03-04-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - In 2024, there were about 7.7 million people with a disability employed in the United States and 153.6 million with no disability. Out of the workers with a disability, 13.1 percent worked in the retail trade industry, higher than the 10.0 percent of those employed in the same industry with no disability. The other industries where people with a disability had a higher concentration than people with no disability were leisure and hospitality (9.5 percent with a disability compared with 8.7 percent with no disability), and other services (6.0 percent compared with 4.7 percent). The concentration of workers in the transportation and utilities, information, and public administration industries, was similar regardless of disability status.

03-04-2025 - I exercise every day. I walk (very fast) and do light weight training. One of my biggest calorie-burners is trying to maintain control of a busted, wheels-out-of-alignment Walmart shopping cart. If you've pushed a Walmart cart that wanted to do its own thing, you know what I'm talking about. In my town, Target carts drive like a new luxury car!

03-04-2025 - The news has frequently used words like firings, layoffs, tariffs, recession, and depression. What does it all mean? That's easy. It means you need to start a side gig to generate extra income. Preferably a side gig that doesn't involve leaving the house and punching a time clock. An additional income, Mail Order side gig, to be more precise.

03-04-2025 - From the U.S. Postal Inspection Service: A man has been sentenced to 57 months in prison for his part in a $1.2 million forged money order scheme. The man and several accomplices deposited the altered money orders into bank accounts under other people's names. The men withdrew the funds before the banks knew the money orders were fraudulent.

03-04-2025 - A calculator and knowledge of postal rates and paper costs are the best tools for deciding on the quality of a "print and mail" offer.

03-04-2025 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday! That doesn't mean much unless you're a Mardi Gras fan. Then, it's Fat Tuesday! The crime prevention experts will tell you to stop your mail and newspaper when you leave town on vacation. Some years ago, I did just that. When I returned from a 3-day outing, three newspapers were in my yard, and the mailbox was stuffed with mail. I couldn't have devised a better "Burglars Welcome" sign if I tried! How could both the newspaper people and the Post Office fail me simultaneously? From then on, I just hired a trusted neighbor kid to collect these items for me. My coffee is ready!

03-03-2025 - In the mail today was, among other goodies, a postcard promotion for a gifting program. I could see 3 positions, 8 levels, and 2 phases. With all the levels and positions, I would think it's a multi-level marketing program. But there's no product that I can detect. I'm going to call it a gifting program. I don't do programs, but if they're working for you, that's good.

03-03-2025 - According to a story at CNBC, actions by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) could cause an interruption in Social Security benefits. The article says the DOGE disruptions would most likely affect the establishment of new accounts rather than established accounts. For now. Google the subject if you're interested.

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03-03-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - From September 2023 to September 2024, employment increased in 264 of the 369 largest U.S. counties. Kings, New York, had the largest over-the-year increase in employment, with a gain of 4.9 percent. Elkhart, Indiana, had the largest over-the-year percentage decrease in employment (-2.7 percent). Within Elkhart, the largest employment decrease occurred in manufacturing, which fell by 2,668 (-4.2 percent). Among the 369 largest counties, 363 had over-the-year increases in average weekly wages. In the third quarter of 2024, average weekly wages for the nation increased to $1,394, a 4.5-percent increase over the year. Benton, Arkansas, had the largest third quarter over-the-year wage gain at 15.5 percent. Weld, Colorado, had the largest over-the-year percentage decrease in average weekly wages (-1.3 percent). Eight of the 10 largest counties had over-the-year percentage increases in employment. In September 2024, Miami-Dade, Florida, had the largest over-the-year employment percentage gain (+1.7 percent).

03-02-2025 - Back in the mid-1990s, a dealer offered advertising on VHS tape. If I remember correctly, the presentation was photos of sales circulars presented one after the other. I don't know how that worked out, as I didn't advertise or purchase the tape to view other ads. A few years later, I saw the same being promoted on CD-ROM. That was a good idea. These days, it can be done as a PDF file. Is anyone else offering that service? The PDF format would make a good "endless advertiser," with dealers sharing it and taking orders on a commission basis.

03-02-2025 - If you don't have a website, do you have scanned circulars and/or PDF files ready to be emailed to prospects who inquire? Are you including your email address in small display and classified ads? Just an idea.

03-02-2025 - Good Morning! I'm enjoying some Morse code with my coffee this morning. I participate in the Amateur (ham) Radio Parks on the AirĀ® program. I sit in the comfort of my home and make contact with Ham Radio operators in state and federal parks around the USA. I use Morse code (CW) exclusively. The program is global, but I focus on U.S. Parks. I have plenty of foreign (DX) contacts logged. I contacted a station in Edgewood Oak Brush Plains State Forest in New York this morning. I've been doing the parks thing since January 2024, and I have contacted 522 unique (no duplicates) parks as of this morning. So far, I've been just a hunter. To operate out of a park is to be an activator.

03-01-2025 - Electronic Minimalism: The name of a 1993 Writer's Digest magazine article about assembling an all-you-really-need computer system for under $500. These guys were scrounging for parts to assemble a basic system that a writer could use "to send disks to publishers". They got the job done. My laptop costs $495, making their system look like a 1930 Remington typewriter. In 10 years, mine will resemble some ancient tool. Like me.

03-01-2025 - At the recent meeting of the American Postal Workers Union National Executive Board, a proclamation to honor the women of the APWU throughout March was adopted. March is Women's History Month, and the proclamation recognizes the role women have played in the APWU.

03-01-2025 - Today, an offer for the $2 Mega Stamp Program and the Ultimate Gifting Program was in the mail. What I'm looking for are adsheets! Not the kind with the 1- and 2-inch display ads. I'm talking about big, plain-text ads!

03-01-2025 - According to a Fox News story, in Chicago, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seized more than 161,000 counterfeit U.S. Forever stamps shipped from China. Think about that the next time you see an ad for discounted Forever stamps. Forever stamps don't decrease in value but rise in value with each postage rate increase. If you wouldn't sell a $5 bill for $1, why would you sell a 73¢ stamp for 25¢?

03-01-2025 - It's the 1st of March and I saw my first mosquito. It's going to be a long summer of buzz.

03-01-2025 - About a year ago, I received an envelope with $2.00 to join a gifting program. Included was a circular with four names on it. I was not among the four, since I'm not a gifting program guy. I don't know how my name got in the mix, but I returned the money.