Mail Dealer 763


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03-01-2025 - Good Morning! It's Saturday, the first day of March. Other than a trip to our local Farmers Market, I have nothing serious on the schedule for today. That means more time to think of interesting stuff to post to this journal. My Folgers Black Silk coffee is ready.

02-28-2025 - Today, I received offers for the Wealthperx Lottery Club, American Bill Money, Your Lucky Stars, and a program called Guaranteed Money. I'll send them a postcard announcing the Dealer Ad Exchange. Maybe they have other products and services to offer.

02-28-2025 - From the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission - Product Recalls - Triangle Tube Recalls Prestige and Aerco Esteem Gas Boilers Due to Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning Hazard; Two Deaths Reported | Canyon Bicycles USA Recalls Speedmax CF Triathlon Bicycles Due to Fall and Injury Hazards | Goal Zero Recalls Solar Series Combiner Cables for Solar Panels Due to Fire Hazard | Kichler Lighting Recalls Wall Sconces Due to Risk of Electric Shock | Allesin Blackout Roller Window Shades Recalled Due to Strangulation and Entanglement Hazards and Risk of Serious Injury or Death; Violation of Federal Regulations for Window Coverings; Sold Exclusively on Amazon by Allesin | ARVA Recalls NEO BT PRO Avalanche Transceivers Due to Risk of Loss of Emergency Transmission; Risk of Serious Injury or Death | Costway Recalls Babyjoy High Chairs Due to Entrapment and Suffocation Hazards; Ban on Inclined Sleepers and Violation of Federal Regulations for High Chairs.

02-28-2025 - Good Morning! It's Friday again! Do you remember Stew's Reviews? Stew Caverly had a column in several Mail Order publications where he reviewed selected products and services sent to him. I sent him a disk-based product of mine, but he never got around to it before his column ended. I don't know if he retired or passed away. MY coffee is ready!

02-27-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - In 2024, the employment-population ratio--the proportion of the population that is employed--was 22.7 percent among those with a disability, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. In contrast, the employment-population ratio for those without a disability was 65.5 percent. The employment-population ratio for people with a disability changed little from 2023 to 2024, following a 1.2 percentage-point increase from 2022 to 2023. The employment-population ratio for those without a disability decreased by 0.3 percentage point in 2024. The unemployment rate for people with a disability (7.5 percent) changed little in 2024, while the rate for those without a disability increased by 0.3 percentage point over the year to 3.8 percent.

02-27-2025 - If you are a website owner thinking of hosting paid ads, you might consider "text-only" ads. There are insufficient Mail Order Dealers to overload your allotted hosting account disk space with plain-text ads. It'll never happen. Also, you need to consider the space you need on your computer or external drives to store backups of all advertising. Again, negligible. This plan makes your sales potential virtually unlimited. Why don't I do it here? There could be too much conflict between my writing and some ads and, if I have to choose, I'd rather write than host ads on the site. I do host ads on the Dealer Ad Exchange!

02-27-2025 - From the U.S. Internal Revenue Service - Business Tax Account and its users - The IRS continues to expand its online capabilities with the Business Tax Account tool, giving a growing number of eligible business taxpayers a quicker and easier way to access tax information online and meet their tax obligations. Sole proprietors, individual partners of partnerships, individual shareholders of S corporations and C corporations should check if they’re eligible to use Business Tax Account. Features and tools of BTA: Features and access depend on the business structure and the individual’s role in the business. Business taxpayers can make electronic payments, set up a future payment or cancel a scheduled payment. They can also access: Balance due. Payment history. Authorization requests from a lender submitted through Income Verification Express Service. Transcripts for the business’s tax return, tax account, record of return and entity. Digital copies of select IRS notices. Business name and address on file. Tax compliance report or a tax certificate for award use. Check the IRS website for details.

02-27-2025 - Is it live, or is it Memorex? Do you remember those commercials from decades ago? That's what I think of when I see some of the sales material I receive with copies of high-dollar money orders the dealer supposedly received. I've seen a sheet full that all appeared to have the same handwriting. What keeps someone from purchasing money orders, making them out to themselves, then cashing them in to retrieve their money? All they're out is money order fees.

02-27-2025 - I'll bet that former and current airplane pilots check their car's instrument panel twice as often - if not more - as non-pilot drivers. Where am I going with this? Nowhere!

02-27-2025 - Amateur (ham) Radio operators have an award called "Worked All States" for making two-way radio contact with stations in all 50 U.S. States. Have any Mail Order Dealers conducted business with a dealer in each of the 50 U.S. states? Someone should devise and promote such a Mail Order award.

Join the Independent Direct Mail Association

02-27-2025 - Have you ever seen casino card dealers clap their hands and then show their open hands to an overhead camera? It's called "clearing the hands." Sometimes, at the Walmart self-checkout terminals, I'll do the same thing just for laughs. I don't know if anyone in the "eye-in-the-sky" office even noticed.

02-27-2025 - Good Morning! It's Thursday! I've got Morse code running on my Yaesu 857D radio while I attempt to wake up fully! In the 1990s, there was an ad in popular Mail Order publications offering radio advertising for Mail Order Dealers and other "extra income" entrepreneurs. I think the station was in the New England area, and I don't remember the call sign or any other information about the offer. I've never heard about anything like this before or since. My Folgers Black Silk coffee is ready.

02-26-2025 - Today, I mailed a 2-inch "site announcement" display ad to Freerksen Publications for the Independent Business Marketer adsheet, a 1-inch "site announcement" display ad to Carman Enterprises for the St. James Adsheet, and a handful of "site announcement" postcards.

02-26-2025 - Today, the U.S. Postal Service announced refined service standards for First Class Mail, Periodicals, Marketing Mail, and Package Services. These revised service standards will allow the Post Office to project at least $36 billion in savings over the next 10 years. Will this freeze the price of a First Class Stamp for the next 10 years? Not a chance!

02-26-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - From January 2024 to January 2025, U.S. import prices increased 1.9 percent. Export prices rose 2.7 percent during the period, the largest 12-month increase since December 2022, when export prices were up 4.6 percent. Within imports, fuel prices rose 2.4 percent over the year ended in January 2025. Nonfuel import prices rose 1.8 percent from January 2024 to January 2025. Agricultural export prices increased 0.5 percent over the year, while nonagricultural export prices rose 2.9 percent. This was the largest 12-month increase in nonagricultural export prices since December 2022, when prices rose 3.9 percent.

02-26-2025 - Did you see the movie "Flight of the Intruder"? After their first unsuccessful bombing run over "Sam City" (a malfunction prevented the bombs from being released) and taking massive anti-aircraft fire for their troubles, Willem Dafoe says: "They'd never expect us to come back!" And go back, they did. Could it be that one of the reasons Mail Order Dealers successfully send cash through the mail is that no one expects them to send cash through the mail?

02-26-2025 - From the U.S. Federal Trade Commission Consumer Alert - Whether you served for four, ten, or twenty years, veterans pension and disability benefits might be an important — often essential — part of your life after the military. That’s why scammers call, email, or message to “help” you apply for them. But what they’re really after is your money. These “advisors” make promises they can’t keep and charge filing fees for services that are always free through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Spot scams during the VA benefits claims process to avoid them.

02-26-2025 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday. Yesterday, there was not a lot in the mail worth mentioning. If you're a Mail-Order Dealer, you probably received the same or similar offers in your mailbox. It's all good, though, because it means people are mailing and making money! My Folgers Black Silk coffee is ready.

02-25-2025 - According to a story on the American Postal Workers Union website, hundreds of union members held a rally to oppose what they call "the illegal takeover of the United States Postal Service." Members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), American Flight Attendants (AFA), and the American Guild of Musical Artists were in attendance. The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) organized the event.

02-25-2025 - I've been using this small postal scale for 30 years. It works fine, and it's still accurate. I guess I'll keep it!

postal scale