Mail Dealer 763


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02-25-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 143,000 in January, similar to the average monthly gain of 166,000 in 2024. In January, job gains occurred in health care, retail trade, and social assistance. Employment declined in the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction industry.

02-25-2025 - During the current shake-ups of various government and semi-government agencies, I see many comments on X, formerly known as Twitter, about abolishing or privatizing the Post Office. Many people seriously believe the USPS is obsolete and only boomers use it, despite the fact that 112 billion pieces of mail were processed last year. I can only laugh.

02-25-2025 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, I have an idea for a new or different type of adsheet. This one carries only websites, and the advertisers are Internet marketers promoting income opportunities. These people sign up for a web-based opportunity and then begin to spam their friends, family, and social media followers with the link. They have no idea of the Mail Order field as we know it. If Mail Order Dealers could reach these people and inform them of the vast Mail Order market they are missing, a good income stream might follow by making this new market known and available to them. Let them know that their ad in popular Mail Order publications could bring new orders after their social media prospects dry up. My Folgers Black Silk coffee is ready!

02-24-2025 – I had a photo of my car parked at the old Mel's Drive-In - at 140 S. Van Ness Ave in San Francisco - from the movie American Graffiti - but I lost it. I know, no pic, then it didn't happen. The drive-in and my 1972 POS Chevy Vega are both gone.

02-24-2025 - Ad design is not as popular a service as it was 30 years ago. Nowadays, almost everyone can access word-processing programs to create basic display ads with little effort. But there's still work to be found in this area because, like anything else, many people would rather pay someone else to do it. And, if you can produce fancy ads, your skills may be beyond that of most dealers who need display ads.

02-24-2025 - From the U.S. Federal Trade Commission - The Federal Trade Commission is sending claim forms to consumers who bought deceptively marketed antivirus software from Avast. The FTC alleged in a February 2024 complaint that Avast deceived users by claiming that its software would protect consumers’ privacy by blocking third party tracking, but it failed to adequately inform consumers that it would collect and sell their detailed, re-identifiable browsing data. The FTC alleged Avast sold that data to more than 100 third parties through its subsidiary, Jumpshot. As part of a settlement order with the FTC, Avast was required to pay $16.5 million, which will be used to compensate consumers. The order also bans Avast from misrepresenting how it uses the data it collects and from selling or licensing any browsing data from Avast-branded products to third parties for advertising purposes, along with other requirements.

02-24-2025 - Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent seen climbing on the back of President Kennedy's limousine in Dallas on November 22, 1963, died today, aged 93. I drove over the "X" that marked the spot of the assassination on Elm Street just last year.

02-24-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - The Producer Price Index for final demand advanced 3.5 percent from January 2024 to January 2025. Prices for final demand goods increased 2.3 percent over the year, while final demand prices for services rose 4.1 percent. Producer prices for final demand goods included a 5.5-percent increase in prices for food and no change in energy prices. In the services sector, prices for trade rose 4.3 percent since January 2024, while transportation and warehousing prices increased by 3.6 percent.

02-24-2025 - Has anyone considered creating greeting cards for Mail Order Dealers? A number of interesting designs come to mind, and I'm sure you can think of more than a few. These could be made at home and advertised in popular industry publications.

02-24-2025 - Good Morning! It's Monday, a bad word for many, but not for us retired people! I've got some Morse code going on the Yaesu 857D Amateur (Ham) Radio this morning. Morse code and Mail-Order selling complement each other. Many might say both are vintage modes of communication. Maybe, but both still get the job done. My coffee is ready!

Join the Independent Direct Mail Association

02-23-2025 - Do you remember the early Earl Scheib auto painting commercials? "I'm Earl Scheib, and I'll paint any car, any color for $29.95. No ups, no extras,"

A democracy is a system where a person who didn't vote can spend the rest of the year griping about the candidate the other person elected.

02-23-2025 - Good Morning! It's Sunday, and I'm putting the finishing touches on the two advertising programs hosted here. We're just getting over what I'll call a brutal cold snap—brutal for North Texas, anyway. We had two nights of 6- and 7-degree temperatures and high teens during the day. I imagine it was life-threatening for some of the homeless people scattered about town. I gave one person $20 and a sleeping bag. My coffee is ready!

02-22-2025 - In the mail today were offers for The Super Cash Machine, The New $5/$10 Money Tree, Blazing Benjamins, and Magic Money Number. The names of these programs resemble the names of scratch-off lottery tickets behind the counter at the corner convenience store. They could be real money-makers. I'll never know.

02-22-2025 - Today, I mailed a "site announcement" ad order to Liberty Press magazine. Let's see what the Letter Carrier has for me this afternoon.

02-22-2025 - Someone should devise a program that asks participants to send only a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the other participants on the circular. Once your circular attains wide distribution, your mailbox will be flooded with stamped envelopes in which to return your offers. Are stamps not as good as money? This plan might go a long way in reducing the "hype" needed to promote it. You could call the program Self-Addressed Stamped Excitement! Someone do it! Maybe someone has, and I haven't seen it.

02-22-2025 - I spent about three years guarding "nukes" in my Army days. At one location, a warhead was moved from its bunker into a maintenance building. There, it was removed from its storage/shipping container. A Warrant Officer technician, arms akimbo, said, "Now that's a bomb!" Sitting next to one on Chinook helicopters is fun.

02-22-2025 - I watch YouTube videos of people trying to promote money-making plans. I find them entertaining. A few years ago, a young man was showing off sales material he uses for a specific Internet-based program. In the shot was another document with his User ID and password for the program. Who needs a hacker when people are giving away passwords?

02-22-2025 - Good Morning! It's Saturday. As you might or might not know, the current administration is sending signals that an "adjustment" in the U.S. Postal Service might be in the works. I suggest all dealers include an email address in their advertising to "bulletproof" any USPS changes. Free "throwaway" email addresses are available from several sources. A lot of business, including document transfers, can take place over a free email account. My Gmail account has an auto-reply function that I can use to send information automatically to anyone who sends me an email. I don't need that option at this time, but it's there! My Folgers Black Silk coffee is ready.

02-21-2025 - I've seen a few YouTube folks struggling with one hand to open envelopes so all the cash can fall out while holding their camera in the other hand. Maybe they should use some of that cash to buy a small $9.95 tripod from Walmart. I'm shocked that I even have to mention this.