Mail Dealer 763
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02-19-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - In January 2025, the unemployment rate for people 25 years and older who were high school graduates with no college was 4.5 percent. Those with less than a high school diploma had an unemployment rate of 5.2 percent. The unemployment rate for people with some college or an associate degree was 3.5 percent. Those with a bachelor’s degree or higher had the lowest unemployment rate, 2.3 percent. A year earlier, in January 2024, unemployment rates were 4.3 percent for high school graduates and 2.1 percent for those with at least a bachelor's degree. Since 2000, some of the lowest unemployment rates for high school graduates with no college were 3.3 percent (in March and April 2000 and July 2023); some of the lowest rates for people with bachelor's degrees or higher were 1.5 percent (in April, November and December 2000).
02-19-2025 - Do you remember the Franklin Income Program? This one dates back to the early and mid-1990s and was the product of Carl T. O'Shea, publisher of the Mail Order Network Newsletter. This package contained reports, advertising discount coupons, and other goodies only available from Carl. The package was $10 and a few First Class Stamps. If you bought the package, you benefited from the package itself, plus you could sell it to others, keeping the $10 and sending the stamps to Carl. Carl benefited both ways. It was a great way to promote a business. And the word "program" in the name didn't mean what it usually means these days - MLM or gifting.
02-19-2025 - Good Morning! It's 8 degrees at the North Texas Mail Dealer 763 HQ. I have no plans to leave the house today. I didn't get any mail yesterday. I don't know if there was no mail for me or if the Post Office suspended door-to-door delivery. I did see a USPS truck delivering packages. A shutdown is fine with me. I wouldn't want to deliver mail in this weather. The only thing I'm expecting is a stamp order. My Folgers Black Silk coffee is ready.
02-18-2025 - I have a copy of a 1950 issue of Mail Sale Advertiser from a time when Mail Order Dealers sold actual products and services. There's not a money-making "program" of any type among its pages. Those were the days. I bought it on eBay, by the way. I wasn't around in 1950, but I showed up not long after! Do you have any vintage Mail Order publications?
02-18-2025 - I visited the Bureau of Engraving and Printing about a decade ago in Fort Worth. There are two such facilities, the other being in Washington, DC. The tour takes you from start to finish in making paper money. There is no mint (where coins are made) near me, so that tour will not happen. Besides, I don't mail coins. I did so about 60 years ago when I ordered headphones for a crystal radio I was building. That was the first item I ever ordered by mail. The second order, placed the same year, was a set of booklets on obtaining an Amateur (ham) Radio license. Check out one or both types of money-making facilities if you can.
02-18-2025 - According to a post on the U.S. Postal Service website, Postmaster Louis DeJoy has notified the Postal Service Board of Governors that they should begin looking for his successor. DeJoy is the 75th Postmaster General of the United States. The articles did not give a date for DeJoy's departure.
02-18-2025 - You don't have to look hard to find thousands of people trying to promote a money-making opportunity on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and elsewhere. What most of these people are missing, and they probably don't realize it, is the opportunity to reach the Extra Income Mail Order dealers found in our industry-printed advertising publications. There's plenty of business here for ad brokers, and it would even support the start-up of a few more advertising publications dedicated to this market!
02-18-2025 - From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economics Daily - Real average hourly earnings for all employees increased 1.0 percent, seasonally adjusted, from January 2024 to January 2025. The change in real average hourly earnings combined with a 0.3-percent decrease in the average workweek resulted in a 0.7-percent increase in real average weekly earnings over this period.
02-18-2025 - All Mail Order Dealers should be familiar with the "Big Mail," that opportunity pack of sales circulars, adsheets, free reports, coupons, and other goodies popular in this industry. Now it's time for a "text ad" Big Mail. Ask for as many text ad submissions from as many dealers as possible. Of course, they'll need to be submitted by email because you don't want to become a manual data entry clerk transcribing ads from paper. You sort through the ads, keeping the ones you think give the most value to the Big Mail. Due to the compact nature of a plain text ad, you'll probably be able to offer three times the information and offers for the same price as those "other" Big Mails out there. This is just an idea. Fine-tune it to work for you.
02-18-2025 - We need more 100-circulation adsheets. That's right, just 100 copies mailed. There's no pressure to send it to a higher circulation. Who can't mail 100 copies? It's a believable figure. How about a 100-circulation adsheet that features only websites? How about one that features only websites owned by the submitting dealer instead of affiliate links? If you know of any low-circulation, direct mail adsheets, email me.
Join the Independent Direct Mail Association
Business is tough these days. If a business owner does something wrong, he gets fined. If he does something right he gets taxed.
02-18-2025 - Good Morning! My area expects temperatures to drop to 7 degrees tonight and about the same tomorrow night. The bigger problem is that we're expecting moisture before it freezes. Power lines might get iced up and break. I have a generator, but I don't want to have to use it. I've got the outside faucets covered, and I'll be dripping some inside faucets before long. I'm in North Texas, and we get a little cold! As I write this, I have a fireplace video running on the big-screen TV in the home office. I have a real fireplace, but it's at the other end of the house. Mail resumes today, so let's see what the Mail Carrier brings. My Folgers Black Silk coffee is ready!
02-17-2025 - I sometimes receive an envelope containing only a postcard. Why not just mail the postcard? Inquiring Mail Order Dealers want to know. I may be the only one who wants to know. Postcards are wasted on me. I mail them to promote this site, but I never read the ones sent to me. This policy is because I've learned over the years that 99.999% are for MLM or gifting programs. I don't do programs so I save a lot of time by tossing postcards. I'm sorry if you're promoting an actual product or service by postcard. I probably won't see it.
02-17-2025 - Being an Amateur (ham) Radio Morse code enthusiast, I sometimes search online for related information. I often run into people selling bracelets with what they believe to be a Morse code message. Most (99%) of the bracelets I've seen don't say what the maker/seller thinks they say. Most are nothing more than gibberish, and it's all because there is no spacing between the characters. Where does one letter end and the next begin? I mentioned this to one seller and got griped out. Maybe I'll sell some accurate Morse code items - BY MAIL! Below is my little Putikeeg straight key and Bencher paddles used to send Morse code.
02-17-2025 - It's been almost two decades ago, but I ran across an online discussion forum started by a well-known Mail Order Dealer. It took me only a few minutes to see that there was almost no discussion. What was going on was dealers uploading their sales circulars for all to see. The forum owner didn't have a problem with it. I did have a problem with it because I came for the discussion. That dealer passed some years ago.
02-17-2025 - Some adsheet and circular mailing circulation claims amuse. Experienced mail order dealers know precisely what's what, but the new dealer will likely believe some of the inflated numbers I've seen. Put your calculator to the offer and see if it makes sense.
02-17-2025 - Good Morning! It's Monday, President's Day, and the mailbox will be empty. I was listening to some local folks chat on the CB Radio. One man was complaining about the condition of his old car. Another man suggested he buy a new, or newer, car. The first man explained that he couldn't because of his bad credit rating. The other man asked how his credit rating got so bad. The first man said he ruined his credit rating on purpose so no one else could ruin his credit rating. I am not making this up. I heard it with my own ears! I normally have Morse code running in the background on the Amateur (ham) Radio bands, but sometimes I need some scanner radio and CB Radio entertainment.
02-16-2025 - A few of my favorite "money" books are Arthur Haley's The Money Changers and The Big Short by Michael Lewis. I've also read several books about Bernie Madoff. From Dan Kennedy it's the No B.S. Business Success - The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Tough & Spirited Guide and The Ultimate Sales Letter. I read some of The Ultimate Sales Letter last night. From Don Massey it's How To Start and Operate a Profitable Homemade Booklet Business. Don had a great VHS video about his booklet business. I need to find some Mail Order books! Good movies are Margin Call and The Big Short.
Some people will gamble on anything. Now they're saving money with the hope that it will be worth something someday.
02-16-2025 - This is a call for a different kind of 100-circulation adsheet - a "progressively mailed" adsheet. How does it work? These adsheets hold a maximum of 100 100-word ads. No display ads. New ads go to the top, and the 101st ad falls off the bottom. The latest dealer posting an ad gets a copy - about 7 sheets of paper. Every ad gets 100 mailings, they just don't get it very fast. This means no pressure on you, the publisher, to mail a certain number within a certain time period. This pressure has caused more than a few adsheet publishers to grow noses a foot long! I don't think we can have too many of this type of adsheet. No dealer has to advertise in every adsheet every month. Rotate through them. Since each publisher is mailing to their own in-house list, an endless variety of prospects will see your ads.
02-16-2025 - Victoria Ring (Graphico Publishing) wrote and published the Victoria's Reports series in the 1990s. These were geared toward the home-based, extra-income market and were popular. Do you remember them? In later years, Victoria, having already worked as a legal typist, transitioned into providing professional services - as a certified paralegal - to bankruptcy law firms. She passed away in 2011.
02-16-2025 - I haven't made a booklet in many years, but I'm keeping my "plastic comb binding" booklet maker on standby if I get the booklet urge. I've had this one for over 25 years now. I'll have to come up with an excuse to use it!