Mail Dealer 763


The Case for Online Bulk Text Advertising

Most modern web hosting plans advertise unlimited bandwidth and storage. While there probably is an "unwritten" limit, you would have to go way out of your way to exceed it. Most hosting accounts offer unlimited bandwidth. You'll have enough to handle plain text advertising even if they don't. As for pricing, you can have all the features you need for under $100 a year.

What does it all mean? As a website-equipped Mail Order Dealer, you can offer creative advertising packages without worrying about whether your hosting account can handle them. One of the most imaginative is the offer for dealers to submit vast amounts of plain text advertising throughout the year for one fee. Who else in the industry is offering anything like that? There is no one that I can think of. Let me say now that this will only work for "plain text" advertising.

Plain text allows dealers to email their ads to you, and you simply copy and paste them onto a page on your website. No data entry chores! I can't imagine how this would work with scanned documents. You figure out how much you want to charge per year and how often a dealer may submit advertising.

Let's say you allow dealers to submit 1000 words per ad weekly. Don't let the 1000 words scare you. It takes the same amount of time and energy to copy and paste 1000 words as it does 100 words or even 10 words. Of course, this also means no graphics of any type.

But who needs graphics when you have thousands of words to describe whatever you're offering? The graphics seen in most Mail Order advertising might add some "eye appeal," but do they add useful information? That's a matter of opinion. So, develop a bulk text advertising plan and run with it.