Mail Dealer 763
The Case for Free Online Text Advertising
In the early days of the Internet, most users were content consumers rather than content creators. That's still the case, but the ratios have changed quite a bit, and now, many people are creating content of one type or another. Not only are more people creating content, but they are also hosting that content on their websites. And why not? Websites are dirt cheap, and there are web page templates "out the wazoo," so website design isn't an issue either.
In those early days, some folks in the Extra Income Mail Order business created websites and sold advertising to other Mail Order Dealers. It was a lot easier just paying to advertise on someone else's site than to put up your site. This situation is no longer the case. Now, anyone can host a website with just a few dollars and mouse clicks. Since website ownership is no longer just for the rich and famous, here's an idea to make your website popular with Mail Order Dealers and search engines. That idea allows dealers to submit plain text advertising to post on your site at no charge.
It's not as ridiculous as it sounds. When you think about it, most of the online ads we see on existing Mail Order websites are graphic. Some ads are designed from scratch; some are scans of paper sales circulars and smaller display ads. This process is okay as there is a definite need for these services. However, designing graphic ads and scanning sales circulars is labor-intensive. On the other hand, copying a text ad from a dealer's email and pasting it onto a webpage on your site can be done in 30 seconds with a few clicks of the mouse. It doesn't matter if the ad is 50 words or 500 words; the time and effort are about the same.
So, now you have dealers seeing your ad offering free advertising and you're getting plenty of submissions every day. You post these ads to your website and upload those pages to your server. Again, just a few clicks of the mouse. But now, instead of creating content yourself, you've got many dealers creating that content for you.
Server space is not an issue. Most modern web hosting plans advertise unlimited bandwidth and storage. While there probably is an "unwritten" limit, you must go out of your way to exceed it. I don't think it can be done in a lifetime if you just post plain text. You would wear yourself out physically before that happened.
So, how do you capitalize on this? Pick out one or two high-profit products or services to offer on your website and don't allow anyone else to advertise those things. Also, you can post your ads to the home page and/or the tops of other pages. It's all up to you. This plan is just an idea that you can tailor to your needs.
Why don't I do that on this website? Conflicts, that's why. My joy comes from writing, and I'm not going to give that up. But I don't want to be muzzled, and I would feel that way if third-party ads were present on the site. I allow free advertising on the Dealr Ad Exchange, but that's a separate publication. It's not physically part of this site. Do whatever works for you.