Mail Dealer 763


An Idea for a Simplified Universal Website

We've all seen ads for various products, services, and opportunities that contain a website address, a dealer's ID number, or some other identifier that allows that dealer to get credit for purchases or sign-ups made following that link. The Simplified Universal Website is similar to that, but, as the name says, it's a simplified version.

As the Prime Source of the offer, you create a simple static web page that gives complete information about a product or service and instructs the reader to order from the address shown in the ad that brought them to the website. Transactions are not carried out at the simplified site because it's just a static site that provides information. It exists to make sales more manageable for your dealers.

No matter what is being sold, dealers only have to publish small ads that contain the website address and their mailing address. The website does all the "explaining" and sends the prospect back to the "promoting dealer" to place the order. One website can support an unlimited number of dealers. It helps you sell because it helps your dealers sell.
